Invest in Mental Health: Support Our Campus Services
Your donation will directly enhance our mental health services for students. It will help us raise awareness about available resources, expand care with individual, small group, and crisis support, and provide Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training for staff.
How Your Contribution Will Help:
- $620 (or $52 a month) provides one series of mental health interventions (8-12 counseling sessions) to a student in need.
- $1,000 (or $80 a month) provides one eight-hour mental health training course for staff or for community partners.
- $24,000 (or $2,000 a month) provides one mental health clinitian providing oversight to two school districts for one semester*.
When you support our programs, we can create a more responsive and supportive environment where mental health is prioritized and every student has access to the care they need. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their lives.
If you have questions regarding your gift or the work that we do, please contact cisdev@cisdallas.org.