Help prepare our students for the upcoming school year!
Your donation will go to purchasing the following items for over 10,000 students and their families:
School Supplies:
- Clear/Mesh Backpacks (K to 12th grade)
- Notebooks (wide-width)
- Pens & Pencils
- 24-Pack Crayons
- Two-pocket binders
- Folders with prong fastener clips
- Construction Paper
- Pencil Pouches
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- Composition Notebooks
- Handheld fidgets/Stress balls
Basic Need Items:
- Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
- Variety Packs of Snacks
- Refillable water bottles, all sizes
- Kleenex
- Socks & Underclothes, all sizes
- Deodorant
- Shampoo
- Lotion
- Feminine Hygiene products